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Empty Nest Magazine
Volunteering and Its Effects on Aging by Jewel Littenberg
Welcome! So, who am I? I was born on a farm in upstate New York. I earned degrees in both Fine Arts and Fashion Design, and I have taught art and clothing design. An award-winning fashion designer and portrait artist, I created and ran a successful ladies clothing manufacturing and retail operation for 23 years, selling clothing to leading stores around the world. I was also a caregiver for my late parents, which inspired me to become an advocate for seniors and the disabled. Federal legislation that I proposed in support of home care was introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2002 and now has more than 20 cosponsors. I created and hosted programs for radio and TV to inform seniors and help give them a voice. I am often invited to speak on issues confronting the elderly and to contribute articles to various publications. When former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno ran for governor of Florida in 2002, I served as her spokesperson. And, as a “hobby,” I am a personal shopper for a select clientele of men and women who are seeking pre-owned couture.
Creating Your Best Life It is at this stage of our lives—when we are empty nesters—that we begin to realize just what we have created. Which ingredients did we chose to use or to toss? What effect did it have? Which people or happenings made our recipe so special? Perhaps it was our parents, children, or grandchildren; maybe it was a person, a song, or something someone said. For me, it was all of the above. What has been your inspiration? This column is meant to inform you and to inspire you. As a journalist and senior advocate, I regularly subscribe to publications that cover legislation on health care, long-term care, Medicare, Medicaid, and other issues of concern to seniors. These issues concern us, as well as our aging parents. What’s happening regarding seniors in the U.S.? What’s the larger picture? How does it affect our “cake of life”?
Volunteer: Help Yourself While Helping Others
There are so many ways to volunteer. What motivates you? Is it working with children, adults, or those who are ill? Volunteers in hospitals can assist people in wheelchairs, deliver magazines or flowers, work in the gift shop, or act as a receptionist . . . and those are just a few of the many positions available. Hospice, a wonderful organization, always needs volunteers to visit the homebound or to assist in their facility, Therrell Smith has dedicated her life to introducing as many people as possible to the amazing world of dance. At 95 years old, she volunteers at local schools and teaches classes at her studio in northeast Washington, DC. Smith is a local celebrity who has danced in New York and Paris, but her passion lies in giving back to the community. “That’s what keeps me going—the children,” says Smith (NCCA News Brief/The Washington Post, November 22, 2012).
Then there's Vern Gillmore, 80 years old, who has been an active Red Cross volunteer for three years. When he heard about the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy, he knew he wanted to help. Do you have a special skill—such as painting, jewelry making, or writing—that you could teach at a senior center? I have a friend who has volunteered her time for years to read to a blind woman. Lend your support to legislation or a program that supports the needy. The opportunities are endless once you engage your passion. And, if you’re still not sure where to volunteer, you’ll find a load of information on websites specifically targeted toward your town or city: volunteermatch.org, voa.org, and handsonnetwork.org are just a few. My own volunteering took the form of activism and resulted naturally as I cared for my own aging parents. In my efforts to keep my father in his own home after my mother’s death, I pushed for government legislation to provide the same funding for in-home care that is provided for nursing home placement. My efforts, and my passion for this cause, earned me a nomination for the Florida Volunteer of the Year Award. Although my parents are no longer with me, I still volunteer to benefit the elderly. I often write articles for the newspaper or other publications and work with legislators on issues that I believe are important to seniors. In addition, my husband and I enjoy donating our time as a couple. We work as ushers at various cultural events, and we work to increase and manage membership. We've also volunteered at the Red Cross and have delivered meals to the needy. Helping others has provided me with a sense of pride, accomplishment, and purpose. According to Richard Adler (“The Volunteer Factor,” Aging Today 25, no. 4, July–August 2004), volunteering— particularly for older adults—helps people feel better about themselves. I have certainly found that to be true. It also, as Adler says, prolongs their lives. I hope that is true, as well! Are you already a volunteer? If so, I’d love to hear from you. What are you doing to help others? And to those of you who are not yet volunteering: What are you waiting for? Somebody out there needs you! (For my contact information and the web address of my “Senior InSights” blog, please see my bio, below.)
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Empty Nest: A Magazine for Mature Families
© 2013 Spring Mount Communications