The Issue

Spring into summer into fall! This summer, the Empty Nest editorial team found itself living life to the fullest, which didn't leave much time for anything else, so an executive decision was made to combine the summer and fall issues. Welcome aboard! New contributor Gail Adams remembers summer adventures past in “The Empty-Nesting Spirit: Grand Canyon Rafting Adventure.” Dr. John Wesley follows suit, recounting a recent foray, and also summers on the water as a young man, in “Sailing on the Chesapeake: Adventures of the In-Laws.” Fall Snapshot: Morning Walk serves as a segue into the beautiful season of autumn. And, our features close with more from “train man” James D. Porterfield—we get to know better this jack of all trades in this issue’s Real People Empty Nesting feature.

In our departments, new contributor Wendy Pellinore gives a spellbinding perspective on the empty-nesting experience—one you won’t forget—in "Healing the Wounded Nest." In "Style,"Patricia McLaughlin reminds us that at a certain point we all earn the right to ignore the dictates of fashion. In COUPLES, we learn that empty-nesting togetherness can sometimes take a strange turn—even in a pink direction. William Bedford once again skillfully guides us from season to season with his Summer and Autumn Verse.

The Publication
The format of Empty Nest makes our editorial the home page, where the articles are laid out in context (you're there!). As always, though, you can reach the Features, Departments, and Editorial via the sidebar menu.

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Finally, remember that you can do a keyword search in Empty Nest. Just type a topic or author’s name into the search box at the bottom of the sidebar, and you’ll bring up a page with links to relevant articles in the current issue as well as in the Empty Nest archives. Feel free to e-mail us at with any additional comments or suggestions, or with proposals for contributions.

My Summer into Fall
The rollercoaster ride we were on this spring didn’t let up with summer. We eventually settled into summer full swing with a noteworthy sailing adventure on the Chesapeake Bay with Amie’s in-laws, Connie and John Wesley. July found us sailing locally on Lake Nockamixon, visiting with friends and family, rock-climbing at Chickie’s Rock (Lancaster County, PA), biking the Perkiomen Trail, and otherwise trying to “stay cool”—with varying degrees of success. August sent more of the same, but with even more family fun as the nuclear Bonner family converged for the greater Bonner Annual Family Reunion in Emmaus, PA. We weathered Hurricane Irene with only a tall tree down in the yard (mercifully missing the house) and were able to support a local political group by helping with a bowling fundraiser the following day. Labor Day and the week that followed was spent “on vacation,” painting the third floor of our house—much needed after nearly 20 years of wear and tear.

Before we knew it, fall was upon us. The first week of October, in addition to my day job, I began teaching “Basic Writing” at the local community college. This upped the ante for me just a bit more in trying to get anything else done. Then, in mid-October, I also attended for the first time the International Women’s Writers Guild (IWWG) “Big Apple” Writer’s Conference in (you guessed it!) NYC, where I made new friends and immersed myself in a “memoir” workshop. We celebrated Gary’s November birthday with a bike trip along the Lehigh River near Jim Thorpe, PA, and spent Thanksgiving with Gary’s family in Levittown, PA. His mother roasted the turkey—at 84, she still insists on cooking the entire dinner, God love her. Currently, we have just carried all the Christmas bags and boxes down from the attic and launched an attack on holiday decorating. The enticing aroma of baking Christmas pound cakes fill the air, and we've welcomed our nuclear family home for the holidays.

It’s the end of the year—time to remember family and friends, and all those who make what we do possible. With that thought in mind, we thank our dedicated readers and also our talented contributors, without whom we could not publish this wonderful issue!

For more about Empty Nest magazine, visit About Us.


Robin C. Bonner
Editor, Empty Nest

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