Seasonal Verse
by William Bedford
A whiff of a chill on the
evening breeze
means summer is fading
A hint of gold here and there
in the trees
means fall is now on the way
The trees will soon blaze in
their glory
while the glassy lakes
mirror it all
When I come to the end of
life’s story
what I’ll miss most of all is
the fall
The sun is high in the scorching
and the grass a dismal brown
The flowers and leaves hang limp and
dry on summer’s faded gown,
then rolling thunder cracks the sky
sending the healing waters down.
Soaking the arid faded flowers
sloshing down the window pane
drenching the wilted leafy bowers
glorious, cascading summer rain.
Canadian Free Press “Poet in Residence” William Bedford was born in Dublin, Ireland, but he has lived in Toronto for most of his life. His poems and articles have appeared in many Canadian journals and in some American publications as well. He’s a pro at empty nesting—he has a daughter, three grandchildren (all engineers), and twin great-grandsons. William can be reached at: letters@canadafreepress.com.