Ladies Bonding in Italy
“I want to go to Italy someday, and I want to go with you!” I had been hearing this for years from friends, so I suppose that is how this trip (logically named “Beginning Italy”) got its start. My love affair with Italy began in 1995, when Sister Monica, a dear friend of mine (recently deceased) who also happened to be a Catholic nun, “forced” me into accompanying her on a trip. She had a persuasive way about her. Eight trips later, and only one of those with Sister Monica, I found myself preparing for trip number nine—scheduled for October 2008.

Daddies, Daughters, and FIRST Robotics
Fathers and daughters enjoy a special relationship. When little girls grow up and leave home, they surely are missed, although their dads might not talk much about it. These fathers cope with their loss in various ways—some intentional and some not. My husband Gary’s story is one for the textbooks.

Launching Your Child—One Year Later
When we talked about a year ago (see “Launching Your Child into the Adult World,” in the spring 2008 issue of Empty Nest), our daughter Sarah was, well, “launching” into the adult world: living in New York City, graduating from college, auditioning for stage and screen, and working to support herself. And we were busy cutting the financial umbilical cord, transforming our all-inclusive support system to one of mainly hugs, emails, and phone calls (and the occasional bag of groceries).

An Interview with Marian Bellus
Marian Bellus raised her two grown children, parenting them alone for 22 years. She has worked in the medical and nursing publishing field for almost 30 years. But, she has one other love as well, and soon, she will finally see her dream realized: Marian is launching a second profession in the Independent Catholic Church of Antioch, as a priest. After distance learning in the Sophia Divinity School for the past four years, she plans to be ordained in the fall of 2009. Her ties to the community of Levittown span a lifetime, and she continues to reside there while commuting to her job in Philadelphia. Despite her busy schedule, Marian graciously agreed to tell us about her new profession in this empty-nest phase of life.


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