Please send your submission for Empty Nest as text in the body of an email (only—no attachments, please!) to:

Please designate your article as a Department or Feature, and include only one submission per email.

Please limit the length of your feature article to 1500 - 3000 words. Queries are welcome. Articles should be investigative, with some reflection, although insightful essays will also be considered. Interviews with interesting empty nesters are always welcome. In your article, please include links to other websites, books, and generally useful information.

Please limit the length of your department article to 750 - 1000 words. Queries are welcome. Regular departments include Mind, Body, Money, Culture (theater, films, books), Family, and Style. We consider both informative articles and personal essays, and welcome ideas for additional departments. Please include links to other sites!

The Process
When you send an article for consideration, please include a short bio of yourself, as well as low-resolution photos. Please note that all submissions accepted for publication are subject to editing and will be reformatted to fit the magazine's standard design and layout style.

You can expect a response to your submission within 6 to 8 weeks. Please do not send a follow-up email any sooner than that!

Finally, at this time, a byline is payment for writing published. Stick with us, though, and perhaps eventually you’ll see some cash for your accepted work.

Please note: If your article is selected for publication, you must wait 1 year after publication in Empty Nest to publish it elsewhere. THEN, you need to publish it with the credit line "(First published in Empty Nest: A Magazine for Mature Families,, volume/number)."

Thanks for your interest in Empty Nest...

The Editors

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