Empty Nest evolved from an idea in a magazine publishing class at Rosemont College in 2004 to its fourth year as a published e-zine in 2010. My endless gratitude to Frank Quattrone and Elizabeth Replogle, my advisors at Rosemont, for helping me develop the first issue for my M.A. thesis (2007). The publication has changed over time and our readership has grown (with as many as 8,000 hits per month). Our mission—to reach out to empty nesters both nationally and globally and share their stories—is our guide. Along the way, we’ve grown from one editor to two, and from four contributors to many—some seasoned, published writers and some new to the craft, but all with a story to tell:

Jean Barto, Aaron Becker, William Bedford, Marian Bellus, Donna Blinebury, Bonnie Boehme, Amie Bonner, Anaise Asousa Bonner, Gary Bonner, Sarah Bonner, Marian Buckner, Carol Dorey, Louise Doskow, Donna Faria, Sharla Feldscher, Marianna Fiani, Carol Field, Adele Fine, Clare Gassler Frey, Patty Grasty, Ellen Britz Gerber, Janette Gerber (pseudonym), Dr. Burt Ginsberg, June Gondi, Dr. Dan Gottlieb, Gretchen and Emilie Haertsch, Leslie Hawke, Carol Holst, Maria “Dancing Heart” Hoaglund, Matt Hugg, George Kell, Jill Landsman, Jeremy Lifsey, Sandra Long, Lauren McKinney, Juilene Osborne McKnight, Patricia McLaughlin, Tammy Jo Meier, Liz Milner, Helene Moccia, Dana Murray-Resénté, Ellen Newman, Kerry Peresta, Jim Porterfield, Frank Quattrone, Joan Sartor, Jill Sherer Murray, Chris Slawecki, Maryanne Soper, Laurine Valenti, the Van Anglen family, Jerry Waxler, Connie Wesley, Joy Williamson, Linda Wisniewski, Alicia Wright, and Dr. Daniel Young.

Special thanks go to Linnea Hermanson, who, once again, did some pinch-hitting for Bonnie Boehme, Empty Nest's Associate Editor, and copyedited this issue. (Bonnie is taking a leave of absence from several issues to pursue a nursing degree.) I also thank my husband, Gary ("IT Guy"), who usually does the photo prep and html coding, and figures out from a technical standpoint how to improve the magazine—with me in the true spirit of empty-nesting. This, of course, frees my time for developing, managing, writing, and marketing.

A Little About Me
I’m an English major (and art minor) who enjoys putting it all together. In 2007, after almost 25 years in the book publishing business, I completed an M.A. in English and Publishing at Rosemont College (PA), where I focused on writing and magazine publishing. I manage communications projects for Aptara, Inc. and am available for consultation and/or independent editing projects at rcbonner@comcast.net. When I'm not working or writing, I hang out with my husband, grown daughters, or friends—bicycling, sailing, or otherwise enjoying the outdoors. I also love to eat out, drink margaritas, and discuss politics and religion. But not necessarily in that order.

Robin C. Bonner
Editor, Empty Nest

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Empty Nest: A Magazine for Mature Families

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