MIND Using Journaling to Find Our Uniqueness
Any new stage in life deserves reflection, and it helps to write down our thoughts. The act of committing to paper our own joys, wishes, and passions makes them more compelling, particularly if we are out of practice. It is self-affirming to acknowledge what we enjoy as an individual . . .
BODY Our Bodies, Ourselves: Chiropractic Care at Middle Age
After 35, we find we’re just not as spry as we used to be. We just can’t take our bodies for granted any longer. We have a choice: We can sit and watch our metabolism slow down, our weight creep up, our muscles atrophy, and our risk of heart disease and other illnesses skyrocket. Or, we can fight back.
FAMILY And the Cows Came Home: Believing in Your Grown Child's Dreams
When you hold your child in your arms for the first time, you wonder where life is going to take this baby. Will the fates smile? What will be her dream? My oldest daughter, Jillian, married a farmer—a farmer without land.
CULTURE Book Review: I Feel Bad About My Neck
A review of Nora Ephron's latest book, by Dr. Lauren McKinney.
Which ideas rate the best? We'll be the judge! Send yours to Empty Nest . . .