Bringing Back Those Carefree Days
Remember those carefree kid days of pedaling a bike, with the wind in your hair? The banana seats and high-rise handlebars? First three-speeds, then five-speeds were in. Then came 12, 15, 18, 24—and now we have 27 speeds. Nostalgia aside, according to those “in the know,” those days are coming back. And depending on where you live or are willing to travel, bicycling can be a year-round passion!

When Does the Empty Nest Begin?
Does the term empty nest demarcate the time when the last child moves out or when you stop storing all their treasures or junk? If you are longing for the rosy empty nest stage of life, you may find it to be a bit of a moving target. My husband and I have been blessed with four wonderful children. Because of the spread of their ages, 37- and 34-year-old daughters and 27- and 25-year-old sons, however, their growing-up years presented some unique family experiences. One such adventure was the college search.

On the Empty Nest and Making the Most of What We Have
You’re driving down the road about noontime on a Monday, and you flip through the radio stations, searching for either good music or good talk. You find yourself tuned in to WHYY (91 FM) and the program “Voices in the Family,” moderated by Dr. Dan Gottlieb, a celebrated Philadelphia-area psychotherapist. If you listen to Gottlieb, talk to him, or read his books, you’ll find his positive attitude toward embracing an “empty nest” surprising because the circumstances surrounding his own experience were less than ideal.

Planning a Destination Wedding: Conclusion
After we threw a surprise bridal shower for Amie in Pennsylvania in July, it was all about successfully launching the massive project that was Amie and Todd’s wedding in Maine in October. This was harder than it sounds. (After all, what do you imagine could happen between July and October?) The answer to how to do it is this: Make lists. Pages and pages of lists. We needed to get organized so nothing was missed, no detail was overlooked, nothing was left behind.

An Interview with Sharla Feldscher: From Teacher to Publicist
Once in a while you meet someone with whom you find you connect immediately. A person who is full of purpose and enthusiasm for life—who loves what she does and does what she loves. Public relations specialist Sharla Feldscher is just such a woman. I met Sharla in a serendipitous way: My physician put us in touch after a conversation he and I had about doing public relations work, something I was involved in at the time. Sharla and I got together by phone, we exchanged email addresses, and our ongoing conversation led to a lunch date and then to an interview for Empty Nest.


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